Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's Okay Thursdays

Its Ok Thursdays

...that it is not even 10:00 and I'm already looking forward to lunch. Mmm chicken&dumplings!

...that the more I am around her, the more I really do not like my boyfriend's mother.

...that the entire drive to work this morning I fantisized about winning the Hoosier Lotto. Maybe I should buy a ticket!

...that I am doing everything I can to avoid the cameras from the TV show that is filming at my work this morning.

...that I wish I made more money.

...that I'm learning how to work through this time of depression and uncertainty, without help.

...that I'm SUPER bad at beng original with blog posts so I'm just doing linkies for now.

Spunkily yours,



  1. ran across your blog, and want you to know I lifted up a prayer for you. I hope today you are able to see the blessings around you and look up and know it's going to be okay. Know i don't know you, but LOVE you in Christ!

    Hope you’re having a great Thursday, one day closer to Friday! Drop by and say hello!

  2. *BIG BLOGGY HUG* :)
    Found your blog in the link up (which, in my opinion, it is ALWAYS ok to link up ;) ) nice to meet you!
    -Alexandra Anne
