Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life Update

It’s been…forever. Oops. Sorry about that. I don’t make resolutions but if I did, one would be to blog more. For now, here is a little life update!

Home- I officially moved the weekend before Christmas! I have the cutest little one bedroom apartment about 15 minutes closer to work. Heck yeah for only a 30 minute commute now! I really like living on my own, but sometimes it can be a bit lonely. I like all the neighbors I’ve met so far. Luckily Tucker makes it easy to meet people which is good because I am so freaking shy that I stutter and turn red when anyone approaches me out of the blue.

Tucker- I loooove having him live with me now (he used to live with my ex until I moved…awkward). He is the BEST company. The best part of my day is when I get home from work and his big ole butt/tail is wagging so fast and he’s so excited to see me. Either that or he has to pee. I prefer to think that he’s excited his mama is home. I’ve quickly found that living with him is like living with a man. He: burps (sometimes in my face), farts ( sometimes in my face/lap), snores so freaking loud RIGHT NEXT TO ME in bed, hogs the bed, follows me around everywhere (yes…even when I go to the bathroom or am in the shower, leaves ALL of his toys out for me to trip over (he even has been flipping his little toy basket upside down to get everything out even though he has three favorites), and many many more. Despite all this, I love having him with me. He’s doing better about being on a potty schedule. We go for a short walk at around 6:50 AM, then another when I get home at 5:30, then a final one at 9ish.

Job- sooo hectic right now. The girl that I was training with to cover her maternity leave had the baby 5 weeks early (she and Baby are fine!) SO right now I’m doing parts of her job as WELL as mine. Why is that? Well, 1) we don’t have a temp for my job yet and 2) the coworker that is supposed to be helping me out by covering my desk is being very difficult right now. She has “so much to catch up on” since she decided to take a vacation (and not tell basically anyone) last week. I’m not sure if she understands that she can very well do everything she needs to do at MY desk. I just need her down here. How hard is that to understand?! Ugh.

Dating life- is…interesting.

30 year-old finally got the hint and I haven’t heard from him in weeks.

27 year-old still randomly texts me sometimes but I’ve given up hope that he wants anything other than a physical relationship.

26 year-old teacher man (TM) is slowly being removed from my mind. He’s adorable and very sweet but doesn’t really talk to me like he used to. Also obsessed with sports and working out. Gets mad when he loses a basketball game and pouts about it all day. Dude. Grow up!

Tyler (ex) is very confusing. I think now that I’ve decided that we are never ever ever getting back together (thanks TSwift!), he’s trying anything he can. He’s basically being the guy he was at the beginning of our relationship, the guy I wish he still was. It’s weird. And confusing. We’ve had several interesting conversations recently.

Last but certainly not least: 25 year old financial analyst (FA). We’ve been out on 2 dates. I even let him pick me up for the 2nd one so he could meet Tucker. Also gave me a very sweet kiss.  He’s very nice and so fun to be around. I hope there is a 3rd date but I’m not sure if he feels the same. See, because of stupid ex, I now find myself second guessing everything. For example: Am I texting FA too much? Does he think I’m annoying? Does FA really even want to see me? Was that a pity kiss? If it wasn’t did he even enjoy it? I’M DRIVING MYSELF CRAZY. Then I think things like “man I wonder what FA would say if he knew all these thoughts are running through my head” and that is a whole other issue.

I plan on writing some more about the apartment, also a date breakdown later in the week. HOPEFULLY.


Also, my birth father (who I am not very close to but we’re working on it) has surgery to remove his prostate cancer on Monday morning. He does not think he will make it through the surgery as he always has trouble waking up after any major operation. Please, please pray for him.